Work with us!

Adventure Vikings are always interested in hearing from potential employees about how they can help grow our business. If you’d like to work in an exciting, friendly environment – send your resume, along with a short cover letter to


Leiðsögumaður – Fullt starf (see below for English)

Við leitum eftir hressum einstaklingi með PADI divemaster réttindi til að leiðsegja þátttakendum í snorklferðum í Silfru, auk annarra ferða sem við höfum upp á að bjóða.


  • PADI divemaster réttindi
  • Góð enskukunnátta
  • Stundvísi
  • Sveigjanleiki
  • Góð þjónustulund
  • Heilsuhreysti

Reynsla sem leiðsögumaður og brennandi áhugi á ferðaþjónustu, sem og ævintýraferðamennsku er mikill kostur.

Vinsamlegast sendið ferilsrká á ásamt stuttu kynningarbréfi.


Guide – Full time

Adventure Vikings is an activity and adventure tour operator based in Reykjavik, specializing in outdoor activities. We are looking for a guide who holds a PADI divemaster certificate, to guide our participants through Snorkeling tours in Silfra fissure, along with other tours we offer.


  • Padi divemaster certificate
  • Highly proficient in spoken English
  • Punctuality
  • Flexibility
  • Service orientated
  • In good health

The ideal candidate would also have prior experience as a guide and have passion for the travel and adventure tour operator industry.

Please send your resume to along with a short cover letter.